The University of Sheffield
Programme Regulations Finder

EDU6172   Language Acquisition, Learning and Pedagogy   (30 credits)

Year Running: 2016/2017
Credit level: F7


This module will explore key theories and approaches in language acquisition, learning and associated pedagogies. Various theoretical and empirical issues will be addressed together with learner-internal and learner-external factors that influence processes of second language development in education. The module provides students with an opportunity to consider critically second language acquisition (SLA), Universal Grammar (UG) and the roles of learner factors such as age, first language and language interference. The theory and application of new technologies in the field are addressed. The application of SLA theory and research to aspects of second language teaching and learning is also explored.


Reading List

Please click here for reading list.

Teaching Methods

Delivery Type Hours
Independent 238.0
Lecture 3.0
Seminar 14.0
Tutorial 45.0

Methods of assessment

Assessment Type Duration % of formal assessment Semester
Course Work 0.0 100 % S2

Teaching methods and assessment displayed on this page are indicative for 2016-17.